Are you willing to pay for a textbook for school?
Educational Quote:
“Failure is success if we learn from it" ~Malcolm Forbes
Weekly Insights:
In the readings this week, affordability is a critical component in equitable access, success and outcomes for all students. Several studies that these readings mentioned demonstrated that OER adoption does much more than save student money. OER also impact student learning, completion and attainment gaps by improving end-of-course grades and decreasing DFW grade rates.
The price of textbooks can be comparable to or even higher than the tuition in some educational institutions. Understanding how free open educational resources (OER) affect student outcomes is crucial given the limited resources available. Students' costs can be significantly decreased by using digital resources like OER.
Benefits of using OER:
Increased performance in courses
Expanded access to learning
Ability to modify course materials
Continually improve resources
Showcases research to the widest possible audience.
Enhances a school’s reputation as well as that of the teacher or researcher.
Demonstrates social responsibility by providing education access for all.
Shares best practice internationally.
Creates additional opportunities for peer review.
Maximizes the use and increases the availability of educational materials.
Raises the quality standards for educational resources by gathering more contributors.