What does the word "open" mean to you?
1. Allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up.
2. Exposed to the air or to view; not covered.
1. Move are adjust (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and view
2. Unfold or be unfolded; spread out.
1. A championship or competition with no restrictions on who may qualify to compete.
2. An accidental break in the conducting path for an electrical current.
Source: Merriam Webster
Educational Quote:
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one had learned in school." ~Albert Einstein
You may be thinking now...
That's a lot of definitions. So below is what the word "Open" means in education.
The word "Open" in education...
Open education is important because having materials openly available and textbooks openly available allows teachers and students or learners at those institutions to have access to materials that they normally would not be able to afford.
How to determine if something is open:
Public Domain: Anything in the public domain is considered open
Follow the 5R's:
If you are still confused...check out these videos:
Just remember that open doesn't just mean "free of cost."